Temple on campus of the Democritus University in Xanthi – 1 st Prize (1999)

First Prize at the Panhellenic architectural competition, 1999


Tassos Biris, Sofia Tsiraki

Collaborating architecture students:

Giorgos Aggelis, Katerina Michalopoulou, Alexandros Syriopoulos, Antonis Touloumis

Structural engineering:

Technical Services of the Democritus University of Thrace



The proposal includes the church as a (functional) reference point in a small-scale intervention, created as a micro-locus within the vast campus landscape. The short artificial mound is characteristic of the micro-landscape, which, along with the church, are prominent in the design. The church is effectively incorporated into a cavity on the terrain relief, and its place is protectively enclosed by the environment. All elements combine a succession of lines and marks along a promenade. The visitor engages in a reclusive wandering that gradually allows for an intimate awareness of space and its deeper symbolic meaning.

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