New Thessaloniki Municipal Hall – 1 st Prize (2002-2010)

First Prize at the Panhellenic architectural competition, 1987


Tassos Biris, Dimitris Biris, Nasi Dimopoulou, Rouli Saiti, Giorgos Stathopoulos, Ninetta Christodoulea

Collaborating architects:

Christos Dakoronias, Giorgos Papagiannopoulos, Alexandros Syriopoulos

Structural engineers:

Pagonis – Chroneas – Kinatos E.E., Manolis Giannoulakis

Collaborating structural engineer:

Kostas Polychronopoulos

Mechanical engineers:

Giannis Papagrigorakis, Giorgos Christofilis

Construction planning (B phase):




The complex is situated on a very “difficult” spot of the urban tissue, exactly were the curved borderline of the site directly faces the heavy traffic on the crossroad of the two main avenues of the city. We composed this part of the complex as an open receptor (a piazza), which is also the beginning of an open passage. It starts form the direction of the “Thessaloniki International Fair” territory and then goes on, facing the tower of the “Town Hall clock” (a prominent point of public reference). It then passes through the pilotis (where the two main entrances of the building are situated) and goes on following a zig-zag pattern towards the open inner core of the complex. At this point, it broadens, taking the form of an amphitheatric courtyard. Surpassing this area, the passage continues its route, leaving the Town-Hall and joining an existing pedestrian path throughout the neighboring park towards the dense urban territory beyond it. It is important to note that the zig-zag passage, while passing the inner courtyard, has a constant parallel correlation with the main Hall of the building. This central multi-functional meeting place has free visual contact with all the elevations, which surround it with their inner facades. Note the “difficult” unfolding geometric constitution of the roof and the rays of light infiltrating downwards from circular domes and slits placed on its surface.

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