Municipal Cultural Hall in Herakleion, Crete – 1 st Prize(study: 1983, built: 2010)

First Prize at the Panhellenic architectural competition, 1983


Tassos Biris, Dimitris Biris, Panos Kokkoris

Collaborating architects:

Giannis Rozos, Giannis Aggelakos

Structural engineers:

Theodoros Voudiklaris, Nikos Detsis

Mechanical engineers:

Giorgos Kontoroupis, Giorgos Christofilis





The building complex accommodates an exceptional range of different functions including a theatre, a multi-purpose hall, an experimental theatre, a cinema, workshops, exhibition spaces, a museum, a library, shops, a conservatory, a day-care nursery etc. It fills a hollow facing South towards the Venetian wall and the monument to Kazantzakis. The centre of the composition is marked by an open-air public square, which is unified by a large semi-open metal shed: a multi-level multi-purpose nucleus.

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