“G. Mavropoulos” Municipal Cultural Hall, Pylaia – 1 st Prize (2002)

First prize at the Panhellenic architectural competition, 2002


Katerina Michalopoulou, Antonis Touloumis, Sofia Tsiraki

Consulting architect:

Tassos Biris

Collaborating architecture student:

Dimitris Papanikolaou, Giannis Papadopoulos, Xanthi Palaiologopoulou

The proposal has the character of a loose, discontinuous configuration of apparently dispersed building units and lines. Yet, the design could be understood if it were imagined as a “ruin” of a former typical building in the same location. In accordance to this design gesture, access to the builoding is facilitated by a zig-zag promenade that gradually penetrates it. The visitor gradually explores the different dispersed parts of the proposed building complex as they walk along this promenade.

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